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- DataStax Astra
- DataStax Enterprise
- DataStax Enterprise OpsCenter
- DataStax Desktop
- DataStax Studio
- 永久免费梯子加速器
- DataStax Apache Kafka Connector
- DataStax DevCenter
- Graph Loader
- DataStax Enterprise Kubernetes Operator
- DataStax Drivers
- ODBC/JDBC Drivers
- 永久免费梯子加速器
DataStax Astra

- Release Notes
- Documentation
DataStax Astra is Cloud-native Cassandra-as-a-Service built on Apache Cassandra™.
Build apps seamlessly for distributed data sources and mixed models with DSE tools, drivers, Kafka and Docker integrations, and more.
Out-of-the-box REST and GraphQL endpoints and browser CQL shell.
Eliminate the overhead to install, operate, and scale Cassandra.
Powered by our open-source Kubernetes Operator for Cassandra.
Zero Lock-In
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Global Scale
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DataStax Enterprise is scale-out data infrastructure for enterprises that need to handle anyworkload in any cloud.
DataStax Enterprise enables any workload on an active-everywhere, zero-downtime platformwith zero lock-in and global scale.
Built on the foundation of Apache Cassandra, DataStax Enterprise adds an operationalreliability, monitoring and security layer hardened by the largest internet apps and the Fortune100.
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Streamlined Development
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Multi-Model, Mixed Workloads
Fully integrated with Graph, Search, and Analytics--Write data once and access using mixed workloads or access patterns.
Top Performance
Optimized for high throughput and low latency, with a fast bulk loader, advanced replication, and fast analytical queries.
Protect critical data, meet compliance requirements with unified authentication and access control, end-to-end encryption, data auditing.
Lifecycle Management
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Operations Management
Offers a simple, graphical interface to execute and monitor DSE operations on one or more nodes.
Data Protection
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Dashboard Monitoring and Alerting
A DSE monitoring system supplying customizable dashboards with real-time and historical metrics and alerting.
DataStax Desktop is a cross-platform (Windows, MacOSX, Linux) application that allows developers to quickly explore DataStax products and Apache Cassandra™ with a few clicks on their laptop.
DataStax Studio
Visualize and Explore Data
Rich data visualizations and numerous output formats enable you to fluidly interact with your data and produce publication-quality graphics.
Syntax Validation and Smart Suggestions
An intelligent code editor ensures that your queries are right the first time through syntax validation and context-aware suggestions.
Advanced Workloads
CQL, Gremlin, and Spark SQL queries can be run side by side for use cases that require Graph and Analytics capabilities.
Collaborate with peers
Share your work with colleagues through the notebook import and export feature.
- 永久免费梯子加速器
Load from JSON or CSV files to the database.
Unload data stored in the database to JSON or CSV files.
Quickly count the number of rows in a given table.
DataStax Apache Kafka® Connector
- Documentation
Flexible mapping to allow reads from many Kafka topics and writes to many DataStax tables, fits nicely to the common denormalization pattern used with Cassandra.
Created by the authors of the DataStax Drivers for Apache Cassandra and uses best practices for database writes, resulting in fast data movement.
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DataStax DevCenter
Multiple Sources Available
Data can be loaded from CSV files, JSON files, delimited text (CSV with a header line to identify the fields), text parsed by regular expressions, and binary Gryo files.
Reads entire input data to check for graph schema conformity. Suggests graph schema updates, or if enabled, changes graph schema. Supplies statistics about how much data will be added to graph when loaded.
Vertex Loading
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Edge and Property Loading
Adds all edges and properties from the input data to the graph.
The versions of CQLSH correspond to a DataStax database version. Choose the CQLSH version that is compatible with your DataStax database.
CQLSH requires Python 2.7.
DataStax Enterprise Kubernetes Operator
DataStax Drivers
Synchronous and Asynchronous APIs
The drivers are built for high volumes of concurrent requests and offer both synchronous and asynchronous APIs. The Java driver also offers a reactive API.
Popular Programming Languages
DataStax supports C/C++, C#, Java, Node.js, PHP, Python, Ruby and 永久免费梯子加速器 drivers.
DataStax Enterprise Driver Users
All DSE driver functionality is now in the single DataStax Driver. See 永久免费梯子加速器 post for details, the documentation for the DSE drivers remains available here.
Since the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is such a prolific framework to enable Business Intelligence (BI) tools, DataStax provides a set of ODBC drivers to enable these use cases. For reference on ODBC drivers check out this blog.
Community Drivers
We want you to have fun with these DataStax Labs previews, but please note our disclaimer that these tools are not supported, and should not be put into production. Also, as you try them out we would love your feedback, good or bad; connect with us through the DataStax Community!
DataStax Proxy for DynamoDB™ and Apache Cassandra™
Preview version of an open source tool that enables developers to run their AWS DynamoDB™ workloads on Apache Cassandra™. With the proxy, developers can run DynamoDB workloads outside of AWS (including on premises, other clouds, and in hybrid configurations).
DataStax CDC for Apache Kafka
DataStax CDC for Apache Kafka extends our existing Sink Connector with Source functionality. Now changes may be pushed from a source DataStax Enterprise cluster to Kafka topics. Change Data Capture events include inserts, updates, and deletes.
DataStax Spring Boot Starter
The DataStax Spring Boot Starter streamlines the development of Spring applications with Cassandra and DataStax.
Labs Item
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Join The Academy
Take advantage of the largest free library of technical courses about Apache Cassandra™ and DataStax products and tools.
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In this white paper, you’ll get a detailed, straightforward, five-step approach to creating the right data model right out of the gate.
DataStax Documentation for Developers
Start developing applications and access information about DataStax drivers, APIs, and DSE Advanced Functionality.